102-The One ABOUT dONNA

102-The One ABOUT dONNA

This week, Joni goes to Minnesota and has lots of stories! Holly gives good advice about different paint types and Joni shares a recipe from her nephew’s wedding.

Chicken Stroganoff

Shout out to Sam and Emma for their wedding meal! Great fall evening meal!

101- I wanna Hug a Fireman

101- I wanna Hug a Fireman

This week the Firefighters show up to Joni’s class and it’s not just the fire that’s hot! Holly is getting her pandas back and Tim pops Annie. Come on in and sit a spell!

100- Thursday Holly is a B

100- Thursday Holly is a B

This week Thursday Holly takes over and is a task master! She’s a dark creature! Hear some beginning of school tips and some really good designer tips!

Sloppy JB’s

Quick and easy weeknight meal for hungry kids. You can add all kinds of add-in’s

098-Snail Face

098-Snail Face

This week, Joni is getting ready to go back to school but Holly finds a disturbing skincare product! EscarNO!

Grab a cup of coffee &
Say Hello!

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