107- Holly’s Nature

107- Holly’s Nature

Show Notes: Holly and Joni discuss Emergency Preparedness in light of all the damage to Western North Carolina and East Tennessee Find out a couple of places to donate to this disaster in the places we love Holly laments the death of one of her favorite actresses. We...



This week Holly comes to Tennessee and things get out of control!!!!!

Grilled Pizza Roll

Great to premake and take along to throw on the grill at your tailgate!

104- Ranch Coffee

104- Ranch Coffee

This week, the fire dept shows up in Culinary again and Tim almost creates a “special” coffee for Holly. It’s September!

103- She’s Got Legs and She Knows How To Use Them

Show Notes: Joni has finally had a calm week while her students are taking the Servsafe Certification Test Tim and Caleb need to come down and take a few Servsafe lessons! Holly has some banana pudding issues SEC Football is back ya'll!! Ron invites last minute guests...

Apple Coleslaw

Great side when transitioning between summer and fall. Perfect for September tailgates!

Grab a cup of coffee &
Say Hello!

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