What happens when you combine a design loving, big city living, black clothes wearing Art History major with a culinary teaching, small town living, pink toenail painting, Home Economics major?
Well, stir in 2 husbands, 6 grown kids, pop it in the oven for 40+ years of friendship and foolishness… and you get a big ole batch of Designer Cornbread!
Hello, I’m Holly! Born and raised in St. Louis, Missouri, married to Tim, mom to three grown kids. I have a handmade jewelry and crocheted scarf shop on Etsy as well as doing some local markets. I like to design/decorate, make things, drink coffee, sit in the sun, and listen/watch murder podcasts and shows.
Hey, I’m Joni! Born and raised in a small Tennessee river town, married to Ron, mom to three grown kids. I teach Culinary at the local high school and feed everybody. I like to entertain, cook, go to the lake, kayak, and sit on my front porch.
Our Latest Episodes
Catch up on all the foolishness here!
119- You Break Him, You Buy Him
This week, Joni gives a warning for parents and we talk food from Inauguration Meals.
118 – Snowrat
This week Holly broadcasts from the beautiful snow covered Saint Louis while Joni bickers from the no snow hole. Holly has an interesting New Years “word” to follow….cue Joni giving her a crazy person look
117- Monkeying Around
This week we are truly Holly-DAZED! We talk everything from the Grinch to monkeys to polar bombs!
Who’s hungry?
Red, White, and Blueberry Bundt Cake
Great dessert for Inauguration Day, President’s Day, Independence Day…
Beer Cheese Soup
A warm comfort food on these blustery days!
Grab a cup of coffee &
Say Hello!
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